Improve the wording of a rule

Improve the wording of a rule

The wording of rules can be improved in two ways:

  1. By using a variable comparison to infer a number of separate boolean attributes, one for each possible value.
  2. By replacing grouping operators (any/either, all/both) with a new attribute.

Using variable comparisons to infer boolean attributes

Sometimes a boolean attribute will be correct but very awkward to read and answer. In this sort of situation, it is often advisable to use an interpretative rule to make the attribute more coherent. This involves creating another rule which "wraps" the lower level rule.

The following example shows a rule which uses a string comparison with a text variable "the type of pet":

the pet is a lizard if

the type of pet = "lizard"

This type of rule structure is commonly used to transform a variable comparison to a boolean attribute that can be reused throughout the rulebase in the source rules. The variable can be used to infer a number of separate boolean attributes, one for each possible value (for instance, the pet is a dog, the pet is a cat etc). A drop-down list can then be used in the interview to collect the value of the variable from the user.

Replacing grouping operators with new attributes

Intermediate attributes in Oracle Policy Modeling format can be added instead of using grouping operators, as demonstrated in the following example.

Before (using grouping operators):

the claimant is eligible for living allowances if

the claimant is living alone and



the claimant is aged over 65 and

the claimant is a man



the claimant is aged over 60 and

the claimant is a woman


After (grouping operators replaced with new attributes):

the claimant is eligible for living allowances if

the claimant is living alone and

the claimant satisfies the age criteria

the claimant satisfies the male age criteria

the claimant is aged over 65 and

the claimant is a man


the claimant satisfies the female age criteria

the claimant is aged over 60 and

the claimant is a woman


Addition of these intermediate attributes is highly recommended to improve understanding of decision reports and to assist in debugging.